As written and published on Sep 2012

Occasionally, we do practice “sleeping techniques” in our LOHAS Meridian Self-Therapy Program. However, it was not as frequent as we wanted to. Firstly, due to the limitation of time and the room setting (as we are training at our client premises), it wasn’t conducive to conduct that important segment.
Secondly, not every participant is ok to “sleep” in the class (thanks to our school day teaching) and we don’t really want our participants to comment that “we sleep in the class”. Just kidding.
Anyway, while we are deciding when will be the right time to start the “sleeping class”, I thought it’s good to create awareness and suggestion for this “sleep challenged” group.
Basically, there are a few different groups of sleep issue.
One of the common conditions is having difficulty falling asleep. You are lying in the bed, twisting and turning, asking yourself when are you going to fall asleep. As the clock’s hands point to another hour past, you are still awake while your body is tired.
You get more and more anxious because you need to have a good sleep but your mind seems more alert as the time passed.
Sounds familiar isn’t it. Only those who have been through that will understand the anxiety and frustation. This is just one of the many situations people encountered.
Of course, sleep challenges could be due to many reasons. Sometimes it is due to our mind and sometimes it is due to our body conditions. As the situation drag on, it becomes a cobination of both.
One of it could be due to be lack of blood for our liver. (Note that liver here is different from western medicine concept). Normally, as we age, this symptom becomes more prevail. The possible symptoms are these group of people could be having giddiness easily, eye dryness, low blood pressure, mild anamic or they are in their pre-menopause stage. Regularly massage important points of liver meridian and heart meridian can be helpful.
The second group of people having sleeping issue are those having lots of dreams. They are sleeping but not really sleeping because it was not a good sleep. They often wake up feeling tired.
Some would even wake up a few times to go to toilet at night. It could be due to in-coordination between heart and kidney meridian, where the heart fire not able to descend while kidney water not able to rise. Many a times, these group of people has the habit of keeping their mind too active (or using too much brain power, worrying and etc) while their body was idling without using much energy.
A practical way is to perform simple and moderate exercise (e.g brisk walking or LOHAS Meridian Exercise) in the evening time. The keywords here are simple and moderate exercise. Having moderate exercise such that we perspire a little bit and not too exhausted nor sweat it all out will be good. Taking care of heart, pericardium meridian and kidney meridian will helpful to improve the situation.
For LOHAS Meridian Self-Therapy Program and DIYMMC graduate, remember to practice the LOHAS 1-to-5 and rubbing sole techniques.
That is the reason we conduct the Daily Food That Suits Your Body Type class regularly.
Most of the participants had the “AHA” on why they experience certain body condition when we do the step by step self-assessment on body type.
In the upcoming class, we will be mentioning the food that promote Qi and improve sleep as well.
Please forward to those who you think in need of “good sleep”
Stay tuned for our next LOHAS DIGEST on how does sleeping helps in many health issue, including weight management, sensitive skin and headache and migraine.